This Colombian group was the real pioneer in popularizing “cumbia” music throughout Latin America, and even the world. The infectious Latin beats of cumbia (also called tropicales or musica tropical is heard and danced to throughout Mexico. “Oye” was and is a monster hit and the quintessential “beach music” in Mexico as “Under The Boardwalk” is on the Jersey Shore.
The lovely solo vocals of Mélida Yará have a lot to do with the success of the song.
The whole idea of learning Spanish from singers is to look them up online, and find the lyrics by Googling the song name with letra… but here’s the Oye lyrics to start you off.
Oye, abre tus ojos, mira hacia arriba
Disfruta las cosas buenas que tiene la vida
Abre tus ojos, mira hacia arriba.
Disfruta las cosas buenas que tiene la vida
Un descanso en el camino, una botella de vino
Un suspiro, una mirada, una alegre carcajada
Una cara en el espejo, un amigo un buen consejo
Un viaje en barco o velero, aunque no llegues primero
Un caballito herrero, que no corra por dinero
Un palmar, un riachuelo, un pedacito de cielo
Mira bien alrededor, y veras las cosas buenas
Que la vida es un amor, olvídate de tus penas
Oye, Abre tus ojos, mira hacia arriba, disfruta las cosas buenas
Que tiene la vida, abre tus ojos, mira hacia arriba,
Disfruta las cosas buenas que tiene la vida
Una playa, un cumpleaños
Un buen recuerdo de antaño
Un olor a hierbabuena, una conversación amena
Un romance que a nacido, que te roba los sentidos
Un parque lleno de niños, un bellísimo cariño
Una lagrima, un momento, pese a todo sentimiento
Una música muy bella, un perfume, una estrella
Mira bien alrededor, y veras las cosas buenas
Que la vida es un amor, olvídate de tus penas
Oye, abre tus ojos, mira hacia arriba
Disfruta las cosas buenas que tiene la vida
Abre tus ojos, mira hacia arriba.
Disfruta las cosas buenas que tiene la vida
Listen, open your eyes, look up
Enjoy the good things in life
Open your eyes, look up.
Enjoy the good things in life
A rest on the road, a bottle of wine
A sigh, a glance, a hearty laugh
A face in the mirror: a friend, good advice
A trip by boat or sailboat
even though you don’t get there first
An iron horse that doesn’t run for money
A palm tree, a stream, a piece of heaven
Take a good look around and see the good things
That life is love, forget your sorrows
Hey, Open your eyes, look up, enjoy the good things
What is life, open your eyes, look up,
Enjoy the good things in life
A beach, a birthday
A good memory of yesteryear
A smell of peppermint, a pleasant chat
A romance has been born that steals your senses
A park full of children, a beautiful affection
A tear, a moment in spite of all feelings
Beautiful music, perfume, a star
Take a good look around and see the good things
That life is love, forget your sorrows
Hey, Open your eyes, look up, enjoy the good things
What is life, open your eyes, look up,
Enjoy the good things in life
This was another huge hit, still heard daily on Mexican radio. The lyrics are a sly joke. “CuCu” plays with a term for the rear end and while the man says “What a pretty booty”, the girl is saying “Don’t mess with my booty.”