Flesh Wounds


Flesh Wounds by Linton Robinson

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Robinson was just stoned in Colorado. Now he’s working “real papers” in California and it’s worse than that. I read this column and my big thought is always “And everybody says I should be locked up somewhere.”
Hunter Thompson

You know I write for “Revolt” myself and like it. But it’s mostly for sunshine people, you know. What [Robinson] understands is that the street is a wound.
Charles Bukowski

A book-length collection of the cult column that ran in hip urban periodicals all over the West in the nineties… San Diego “Reader” and “Revolt”, Seattle “Scroll” and “Stranger”, Bay Area “Express”, and many others too numerous to give a damn about. With the addition of other bonus pieces in the same famously dar, gritty style, for a bonanza grouping of the lacerating evocations of urbane decay. Not, let me warn, without a supressed hint of redemption.